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M & E Equipment Traders

4-8 Ferndell Street

South Granville, NSW

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Type Pumps - Valves
Sub Type Centrifugal
Class Stainless Steel
Model -
Sale Price $3,850
Listing Type Used
Stock Number 6323
RefCode TA1054596


Centrifugal Pump (Stainless Steel), Brand: Ingersoll Dresser, Inlet: 65mm Dia, Outlet: 40mm Dia

Unit is a stainless steel centrifugal pump.
The pump has an open impeller suitable for solid materials.
Impeller Dia: 250mm.
The pump is coupled to a 15Kw @ 2950 RPM, 415V electric motor.
The pump has been refitted with a Durco pump head.
The pump is supplied with an Aesseal Thermosyphon system.
The pump is mounted on a stainless steel base.