Base metals, Commodities, Exploration/Development, News

Kempfield: A polymetallic treasure chest

Kempfield project

Significant gold, silver, copper, indium, lead, and zinc mineralisation has been confirmed at the Wood Gully Gossan prospect within the Kempfield project in New South Wales.

During a recent fieldwork program completed by Argent Minerals, 17 rock chip samples were taken, returning high-grade mineralisation of up to 3.82 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, 112g/t silver, 1.76 per cent copper, 1.68 per cent lead, 0.72 per cent zinc, and 31.1 parts per million (ppm) indium.

Argent managing director Pedro Kastellorizos said the company was buoyed by the first geochemical results at Wood Gully Gossan.

“These high-grade gold rock chip assays in conjunction with its proximal location to the Pine Ridge gold deposit (orogenic style mineralisation) has highlighted the exploration potential of these highly prospective geological areas,” he said.

“The strong indium and precious metals along with the high-grade copper results have been defined as ‘stand up’ and will immediately be systematically explored through further ground geochemical exploration programs, followed by aircore or RC (reverse circulation) drilling.”

A volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) signature was confirmed in the results, suggesting mineralisation is closely related to the Pine Ridge gold deposit, which hosts an inferred mineral resource of 419,887 tonnes at 1.65 g/t gold, containing 22,122 ounces of gold.

The current mineralised model at Pine Ridge extends over a 200m strike length, 85m in width, and 145m vertical depth, with mineralisation remaining open to the north and at depth.

The Wood Gully Gossan prospect is situated within a strong, extensive faulted structural zone that extends over 1.5km. This zone is associated with high-grade gold mineralisation across both the Pine Ridge and Wood Gully areas.

The ironstone outcrop at Wood Gully was originally discovered in 1977, with historical sampling revealing anomalous values of copper, lead, tin, zinc, and silver.

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