Commodities, Exploration/Development, News

Iltani Resources impressed by size of Orient West deposit

iltani resources

Iltani Resources has struck a 900m long silver-indium zone at its Orient West project in Queensland.

The critical minerals and base metals explorer has confirmed strike and dip continuity of high-grade silver-indium vein systems at the project. Orient West mineralisation was extended by 500m to the northeast and 320m to the southwest, and remains open in both directions and down dip.

Drilling results included:

  • A 29m intercept at 64 grams per tonne (g/t) silver equivalent (Ag Eq) from a depth of 73m
  • 5m at 103 g/t Ag Eq from 79m
  • 5m at 111 g/t Ag Eq from 94m
  • 7m at 275 g/t Ag Eq from 100m
  • 1m at 706 g/t Ag Eq from 101m.

“To say this is a fantastic outcome for Iltani is an understatement,” Iltani managing director Donald Garner said.

“On behalf of Iltani, I would like to thank all involved in the drill program, which was led by Iltani exploration manager Erik Norum.

“We have now passed the drilling data onto Mining One to enable an estimation of the Orient West exploration target, which we will announce when completed.

“We look forward to the next phases of drilling as we advance Orient West towards an initial mineral resource and deliver an exploration target estimation for Orient East.”

Iltani recently struck what it called the ‘highest grade mineralisation intersected at Orient to date’.

The explorer tapped a significant 1m at 1552g/t Ag Eq intercept from a relatively shallow depth of 28m.

Orient forms part of the larger Herberton project, a region of Australia which has been mined since 1880. In addition to silver-lead-zinc-indium contained within Orient, Herberton also includes multiple attractive targets for copper, antimony and gold.

Indium – an important component of solar panels – is considered a critical mineral in Australia, the US, Japan, South Korea and India.

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